
MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION  of “ Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan

  1. Name of Network and Address: Name of the Network shall be Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan (OSAA)
  2. Address: Plot No. 101, Madhusudan Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751022, Odisha, India

 Date of Constitution: 2006

  • Area of Operation (Extent):  The extent of work of the Network shall be throughout Odisha.
  • Vision: A Transparent  and Accountable governance in State of Odisha
  • Mission :–  
  1.  Work with Government, quasi-judicial bodies, media, like-minded entities  for effective  implementation of RTI Act
  2. Empowering  citizens  to get their legitimate rights  through RTI
  3. Undertaking Lobby  and advocacy  as  tools for enforcing the proper functioning of Odisha Information Commission and achieving  the objective of the RTI Act 
  • Objectives:–  
  • To make aware  every citizen  about  power of RTI  at the time of need. And its relevance  for  bringing changes  in the society.
  • To carry out review of  implementation of the Act, Rules and Regulations,  procedures etc.  to make RTI more effective , widespread and far-reaching.
  • To assess RTI Activities  at district level
  • To monitor  functioning of all public authorities including Information Commission  to make it more effective and transparent.
  • To carry out  study and research on implementation of RTI Act  in the state.
  • To publish  journal, periodicals  and important RTI related decisions of the Commission or apex court  from time to time.
  • To  ensure  and enforce  dissemination of information  by each public authority  in official language.
  • To protect, safeguard and support  to Information seekers  who are  found on the verge of threats  through  legal intervention or  financials support etc.
  • To collaborate and affiliate with local, national and international organizations/networks working on freedom of information.
  • To provide support service to information-seekers for dissemination of information   obtained  through RTI in the interest of the public.
  • Structure of the Organisation  
  1. General Body

All the Members shall    constitute General Body. It will sit once in a year. The Convener shall preside over the meeting.


  1. It shall approve  State  Convener’s report  nad financial report  of the organization.
  2. To review the  activities  and  approve  plan of action foir  the next year  prepared by the  State Working Committee.
  3. To election  members of the  Working Committee.
  4. To suggest names for  the  advisors  of the organization.
  5. To amend and make changes  in the bye-law of the organization.
  6. To elect  office-bearers of the  organization.
  7. Advisors
  8.  To  act  as  friend, philosopher and guide  to Working Committee members.
  9. To give suitable direction to OSAA  on the matter of  implementation of the RTI Act and other laws.
  10. To aid and advise  to all the members of OSAA when  required.
  11. State Working Committee

The  State  Working  Committee  shall be highest decision-making  body of the organization. The  members of the Committee shall be restricted to 41. 30 district  Conveners  shall be  ex-officio member of  Working Committee.  Rest  11 members  shall be elected  by General Body.  State  Convener  shall  preside over the meeting.


  1. It shall sit once  in three  months.
  2. It shall  chalk out  all policy, plan and programme  for the  organization.
  3. It shall   finalise  and approve  publications  and other IEC materials.
  4. It shall approve the  budget  and  expenditure .   
  1. State Convener

The Network will be led by  a State  Convener selected /elected/nominated  by all members of the organization in the state  Convention organised for the purpose from time to time/ periodic intervals. He/ She  will continue  for two years. The Convener  can / may be re-elected/ re-nominated/re-selected for  another term only.   

Roles and Responsibilities of the Convener

The Convener shall be responsible for calling all the meetings of the Network.

Removal / Impeachment of the Convener:

The Convener can/may be removed from his/her position / office by the General body/ working Committee of the Abhijan if his/her work is

  • not satisfactory,
  • contravenes the aims & objectives of the Abhijan
  • aiming towards misappropriation / mismanagement of abhijan’s funds and

  It has been suggested that  there should be president and Vice-president  of the organization.

  • Office Secretary

There shall be one office Secretary for the state office.

Roles / Reponsibility/ functions/ powers / Reporting etc. of the Secretary must be included. Whether he/she is from among the members or a staff recruited ? Please specify

  • Treasurer

One Treasurer shall be nominated from among the members of the working Committee. The tenure of the Treasurer shall be_____________ .

When / in what circumstances the Treasurer seizes to function. Impeachment process etc. may be included.

Duties and Functions of the Treasurer:

The Treasurer shall diligently look after the financial interest of the association / Network and shall be responsible to arrange for the custody and maintenance of its books of accounts and the money entrusted to him/her.

He/she shall also be responsible for seeing that the Bank securities of the association are kept in safe custody. He / she shall arrange for the audit of the accounts of the association if necessary. In general, the Treasurer shall observe the directions of the Governing body / Working Committee with great fidelity, accuracy and integrity regarding the above and all works undertaken through such directions.

  1. Membership:

a. Membership of the association shall consist of such persons and Associations as subscribe to the ideals of the association. Any person who is Member of any political party is not eligible to be a member of the association. Persons who are over 18 years of age and are competent to contract are eligible for admission as members of the association under the following classes.

b. Life Members:

Who contributes to the Association Rs.10,000/- and more as membership.

c. Ordinary members:

Including charter members who have signed the Memorandum of the Associations and who contribute annually a membership fee of Rs. 100/-

d. Associate Members:                                        

Associations whose aims, objectives and activities are similar to those of this association and pay an annual contribution of Rs.10,000/- to the association. They have no voting power and they shall not take part in the elections in the association.

d. Honorary Members:

This class of membership may be conferred by the society by its general body at a special function held up for the purpose on great personalities who have dedicated their lives for universal brotherhood, International understanding, world peace and welfare and uplift of weaker sections of the community. No cash contribution shall be insisted upon from such members as their advise, guidance and blessings are more valuable and beneficial to Association.

  1. Changes in the Constitution

No alteration, amendments or extension be made in the purpose of the association not shall it be amalgamated with any other association unless it is voted by 2/3rd of the members present at a special meeting, of the General body, convened for rules of the association and confirmed by 2/3rd of the members present at a second special meeting.

  1.  Election

Periodicity of the Election and the process

  1. Fund

The association shall be competent to raise funds for its working in one or all of the following ways.

  1. Membership and admission fees.
  2. Sponsorship
  3. Donations.
  4. Grant, gifts, aid,  loans and service charges.
  5. Public contribution
  6. Publication sale etc


Bank Account  will be  opened  in a nationalized bank . It will be operated  by joint signatories of Treasurer and one member of working committee nominated by the Working Committee. Bank transaction shall be made  as per decision of the working committee.


Accounts shall be maintained for all sums received and spent by the Association as per the procedure usually followed.

All the accounts shall be reconciled at the end of each month. A statement of receipts and charges for every quarter shall be prepared and placed before the Governing body for its approval at its meeting.

For purpose of accounting, the year commencing from 1st April and ending with 31st March shall be taken. The account shall be closed at the end of each financial year. They shall be got audited by the Chartered accountants and the audited statements placed before General body /working Committee for adoption.

To pay and discharge out of the income of the association fund, all expenses and charges for collecting and receiving the income of the association fund and all other cause charges, expenses and outgoing of, and incidental to the association created by this presents and the administration there of.

To purchase, acquire on lease or otherwise immovable properties and to construct buildings necessary for the purpose of the association and to dispose of by sale or otherwise immovable or movable properties when not serviceable or not required for the furtherance object of the association.