In 2013, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India presented its report ( General and Social Sector Volume- 3 ) exposing how Sri Achyut Samant had acquired land measuring 82 acres through fraudulent means having unholy alliance with corrupt bureaucrats. As per information obtained under RTI, Sri Samant has acquired around 30 acres of forest land without obtaining any sanction from the State Government or Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India. Despite NGT Order, Govt. of Odisha has miserably failed to return back the land from KIIT due to his criminal nexus with State administration ( despite our plethora of complaints, Chief Minister has not ordered for any inquiry rather promoted and protected him).
1. Since last 3 years, several RTI Applications have been filed in the Department of General Administration under Chief Minister to get the information about details of land leased out to KIIT and KISS. The Department had been avoiding to provide the said information. However after intervention of Odisha Information Commission and our repeated persuasion, the GA Department at last provided the information which exposed how Sri Samant has acquired another 11.438 acres of valuable GA plot through fraudulent means and adopting all illegal means with the knowledge of state administration. It is such an interesting Scam masterminded by Sri Samant which has never happened anywhere in history of Odisha.
On 7.7.18, the PIO, Department of General Administration has provided the following information.
· As per available records, no land has been leased out in favour of KIIT, KIMS and KISS by the GA department.
· Though KIIT has applied for land to GA department for several times, the Govt. has not leased out any land to it.
· But as per the report of Revenue Inspector of GA Department which was presented to State Govt. on 23.9.13, it was found that KIIT has unauthorisedly and illegally acquired huge land in Patia mouza, Bhubaneswar. KIIT has already constructed multistoried building over plot no.-347 ( pt) Ac. 2.500.
· An area measuring Ac.1.550 pertaining to revenue plot no. – 412(pt) kisam-Godanda is lying vacant but acquired by Sri Samant and a compound wall around the said land has been constructed.
· An area measuring Ac. 0.558 dec Govt. land pertaining revenue plot No.-350(pt) and 407 (pt) is encroached by KIIT constructing compound wall and asbest house over the said land.
· KIIT also unauthorisedly constructed compound wall over revenue plot No. -319 (pt) Ac. 5.725, plot No. 320(pt) Ac.0.300 of Khata No.491 and revenue plot no. -318 (pt) Ac. 0.905 Khata No. 493 of Mouza Patia.
The details of land illegally acquired without sanction of State Govt. as per abovementioned information is as follows.
Mouza | Khata No. | Plot No. | Area in Ac. |
Patia | 493 | 347 | 2.500 |
DO | 492 | 412 | 1.550 |
DO | 350,407 | 0.558 | |
DO | 491 | 319 | 5.725 |
DO | 320 | 0.300 | |
493 | 318 | 0.905 | |
Grand Total | 11.538 |
2. KISS has also encroached 10 acres of revenue forest land having plot no. 541(p) , khata no. 420 in Pathargadia Mouza. Though KISS has submitted diversion proposal, it has not been accepted by Govt. The Govt. has directed the Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar vide letter No. 4971 dt. 22.10.14 for appropriate legal action. Though 6 years passed, this order is gathering dust in Tahasil office.
3. On 16.1.2019, RTI application was submitted to the PIO, office of BDA, Bhubaneswar seeking details of building plan approval made to KIIT for construction of building on the above-mentioned plots. On 5.2.2019, the PIO has intimated that no application has been receied for approval of building plan over the Plot No. 347,412,350,407,319,320,318.
4. Similarly, KISS has encroached another 4.032 hect forest land in Mouza-Pathargadia under Bhuaneswar Tahasil. After this issue was raised, KISS submitted diversion proposal to DFO, Chandaka Wildlife Division on 1..1.17 which has not yet approved.
5. The encroachment of 18 acres of forest land ACQUIRED by KIIT which has been challenged in National Green Tribunal in 2016. The NGT order in Case No. 92/2016/EZ for returning back this encroached land and fencing around it has not yet been carried out by the Govt.
Presented in the Press Meet on Land Scam in Odisha held in Bhuaneswar on 4.11.20 by Pradip Pradhan, Srikant Pakal, Debesh Dash, Sudhir Mohanty, Sanjukta Panigrahi, Sarbeswar Behura, on behalf of Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan ) Contact No. -9937843482