“Rising trend of State sponsored attacks on RTI Activists using police as an instrument to check RTI Activism in Odisha” – A Report
(The pattern of frequent attacks on Activists establishes a high level conspiracy of Mafia and politicians of ruling party Biju Janata Dal strongly backed by the police is designed to discourage the RTI activism and promote corruption in Odisha)
Trend of Merciless Attack and murder of RTI Activists is on rise in different parts of the country. Odisha is no way free from this heinous practice of subverting RTI Activism. Within 15 years of implementation of RTI Act, Odisha has witnessed massive use of RTI to expose corruption, irregularities, illegalities in administration by different section of people backed by new brand named RTI Activist. Many Social activists imbibed with zeal and vigor are seen involved in RTI Activism with sole intention to fight out corruption perpetuated by the political machinery of the state during period of Chief Minister ship of Nabin patnaik. RTI Activists are always seen at loggerheads with the State administration, corrupt Govt. officials, Mafia, contractors while exposing corruption, irregularities in Govt. programme, malfunctioning of administration, favouritism and manipulation in Govt. appointment, malpractice in procurement etc. Irregularities and illegalities in allotment of land /plot to politicians, bureaucrats, private educational institutions like KIIT, KISS, Jagatguru Krupalu Yoga Trust, Sri Sri Rabi Shankar University, Maa Ambruta Mayee Devi Trust by General Administration Department, BDA, CDA, Odisha State Housing Board, IDCO, Illegalities in allotment of mining operation to the companies, pendency of crores of rupees of water tax and electricity tax against companies, illegal closure of SIET and OKCL ghotala, false media hype aout various programme y State Got., illegal occupation of Govt. quarters by former MLAs and Ministers and ex-Govt. employees for years together, black-marketing and adulteration of food items allotted under ICDS, MDM, NREGA Scam, irregularities and corruption in distribution of PDS items etc. and many other. This expose has not only put the Govt. in trouble but has brought to limelight the true character of so-called eminent people of society and their crime. Armed with information obtained through RTI, Activists have taken up various issues by approaching High Courts, Human Rights Commissions, Central Vigilance Commission, CBI and Tribunals like National Green Tribunal seeking justice. The 2017 order of National Green Tribunal to Govt. of Odisha to get returned back of 18 acres of forest land illegally acquired by KIIT & KISS is one of the best success stories of intervention of Human Rights Activists in the state.
On the other hand, RTI Activism has paid its own price with a good number of RTI Activists being subjected to humiliation, threats of arrest, implicated with false case and murder. The State machinery and Mafias have conspired to tarnish their image and belittle their work branding them as black-mailer , extortionists etc. Even to check growing activism, the Odisha Information Commission ( Sri D.N.Padhi , SCIC and Sri Jagadanand Mohanty, SIC ) has gone to the extent of filling defamation case against two RTI Activists in the court of Civil Judge (Senior Division) Bhubaneswar. The attack on the RTI Activists in Odisha are not just an incident, but a new pattern of attack with well organized manner to make RTI dysfunctional.
Glimpses of Incident are corroborated for the readers in this posting.
Date/ Month of Incident | Name of Activists suffered and their address | Type of case | Details of incidents |
23.1.2008 | (1) N. A. Shah Ansari, Konark, Puri (M-94370-36471) | Case of Humiliation | On 23.1.2008, Mr. N.A. Shah Ansari, RTI Activist of Puri district had visited the office of Gop Block, Puri district in connection with RTI query. Mr. Manmohan Senapati, the then ABDO who was in charge of BDO misbehaved him and asked him to get out and called his peon to oust Mr. Ansari from his office room. Being humiliated, Mr. Ansari filed an FIR against Mr. Senapati in local Police Station, Gop. A fact-find team comprising Pradip Pradhan, Sudarshan Chhotaray and Sri Pradipta Nayak had visited block office and Gop police station to ascertain the fact. But the Team could not meet BDO. The police assured the team to take action. But it was found the case was dropped. |
17.2.2009 | (2) Gopabandhu Chhatria, Deogaon, BolangirM- 96685-23372 | False case was filed and put behind bar. | Gopabanbhu Chhatria, a poor BPL person of Deogan Block under Bolangir district had filed RTI Application dt. 25.10.2008 seeking information from PIO, Office of Deogan Block, Bolangir about details of documents including copy of Muster Roll, Bills and Vouchers against the expenditure reportedly made in the construction of Kandenjore Check-dam under Jarasingha village. The PIO received the application and asked the applicant Mr. Chhatria to come to Block office on 10.11.08 to get the information. When Mr. Chhatria reached there on the said date, the PIO without any rhyme or reason asked him to come again on 15.12.08 to receive the information by depositing Rs.302.50. On 16.12.08, Mr. Chhatria deposited the said amount against the requested information in the Block office. The PIO in his letter No. 78 dated 17.1.09 informed Mr. Chhatria to take information. Mr. Chhtria visited the Block Office on 24.1.09 and was given some information. Mr. Chhatria however found that the information was incomplete and also un-attested. On 29.1.09, he returned all the information to the PIO requesting him to provide the attested information. He filed a complaint case against the PIO in the office of the State Information Commission. Mr. Chhatria had also submitted another application seeking samples of the materials used in the construction of the said check-dam. The PIO of Deogan Block never responded to his application. Being aggrieved, Mr. Chhatria lodged a complaint against PIO before Orissa Information Commission under Section 18 of RTI Act. Having felt disturbed by the above RTI Applications, the Block officials including BDO hatched a conspiracy against Mr. Chhatria. an FIR was lodged against him in the local police station. Mr.Chhatria was arrested on 17.2.2009 and put behind the Bar. Spending four days in jail, he was released on 21.2.2009. Now, the lower court, Bolangir has rejected the case and freed him from any penalty on 24.7.2010 . |
31.11.09 | (3) Kedar Nanda, BolangirM- 96689-89123 | Case of false rape case | Mr. Kedar Nanda, RTI Activist of Bolangir had filed an RTI Application to the PIO, Office of DSWO, Bolangir seeking some information about ICDS project on 11.11.2009. The PIO forwarded the application to the PIO, Office of CDPO, Bolangir Block to provide the information to the applicant Mr. Nanda. Getting telephonic call from the office of CDPO, Bolangir on 29.11.2009, he visited the office and met Mrs. Bidyut Prava Mohanty, CDPO. Having seen him, Mrs. Mohanty got enraged and started threatening him of dire consequence using unparliamentarily languages, if he pursues the RTI Application. Mr. Nanda got disturbed and argument and counter argument continued for few minutes. Being humiliated, Mr. Nanda left the office. On. 31.11.09, Mr. Nanda came to know that an FIR has been filed by CDPO against him and the Police are searching to arrest him. The allegation of misbehavior, using abusive language to a lady officer was found against him in FIR. Being absconded for around 4 months to avoid arrest, Mr. Nanda with help of HRLN, Bhubaneswar succeeded in getting bail from Orissa High Court. Mr. Nanda has not got any information. His complaint petition in the office of Orissa Information Commission has been disposed with order of penalty against CDPO. In the meantime, Sri Nanda has been acquitted in the court of JMFC, Bolangir. |
2009 | (4) Nrusingha Mohapatra, Sakhigopal, PuriM- 99385-76281(C.C. No. 485/2007) | A case of Humiliation by Odisha Information Commission | On 29.12.06, Nrusingha Mohapatra, a Citizen from Puri district, had applied to the PIO, office of Commissioner of Endowments, Orissa, Bhubaneswar seeking information relating to administration, maintenance of Seve Puja of the deity and accounts of Sri Satyabadi Gopinath Jew Temple. Finding incomplete information, he filed a complaint to State Chief Information Commissioner 0n 23. 4. 07. The case was heard several times by Mr. Jagadanand and Mr. D. N. Padhi, Orissa Information Commissioners. On 15.2.2008 and 3.7.08, during hearing Nrusingha Mohapatra said that he had not got the complete information in spite of depositing the fees for information. Immediately , Mr. Padhi misbehaved him saying “is it vegetable market ? Are you expecting full bag of vegetables from shopkeeper paying just minimum Rs 10.00”. Mr. Padhi also disposed the case without ensuring complete information. Being perturbed and disturbed by such behavior and without getting complete information, Sri Nrusingha Mohapatra has submitted complaint to Governor, Orissa demanding action against Mr. D.N.Padhi on 1.9.2009. |
2010 | (5) Kunja Bihari Patra, Dasapalla, NayagarhM- 98616-56487 Complaint Case No- 1289/08 disposed on 21.6.10 | A case of humiliation by Odisha Information Commission | On 29.5.08, Mr. Kunja Bihari Patra, RTI Activist of Nayagarh district had submitted RTI Application to the PIO, Jagannath Prasad Panchayat Samiti, Ganjam district asking for details of expenditure made for construction of road from Kanikapanhara to Badagunduribari during January 2004 to May 2008. Getting no information, Mr. Patra filed a Complaint case in the office of Orissa Information Commission on 25.8.2008. On third hearing in the office of the Commission dated 5.4.10, Mr.D.N.Padhi State Chief Information Commissioner hearing the case asked Mr. Kunja to speak his grievances. But Mr. Patra responded that he had not received any information from the PIO. Additionally Mr. Patra alleged that the PIO had violated Section 7(5) of the Act by asking a BPL person like him to deposit Rs.1000/- towards the cost of information. But at this point the Chief Commissioner Mr. Padhi strongly told that there was no such provision in Orissa RTI Rules to provide the information to the BPL people free of cost. When Mr. Patra referred to Section 7(5) of RTI Act and also told that Orissa RTI Rules 2005 nowhere provides for collecting costs of information from a BPL person, Mr. D.N. Padhi instantly ran into his tempers and simply misbehaved with him and asked him in a biting sarcasm, “Can you purchase vegetable from the market free of cost by showing your BPL Card?”. It is also astonishing that Mr. D.N.Padhi has mentioned in his direction that “the complainant had already received the requested information as confirmed by him during the hearing”, which is absolutely false. On 20.9.10, being aggrieved and disappointed by the behavior of Mr. Padhi, Mr. Kunja B. Patra has filed complaint to Governor, Orissa to take action against him under section 17 of RTI Act. |
18.1. 2010 | (6) Harishankar Panigrahi, Sambalpur. M-99382-13597 Complaint Case No. 1430/2007. | A case of threat of arrest by Sri Jagadanand Mohanty, the then Information commissioner | Sri Harishankar Panigrahi of Sambalpur had submitted an RTI Application on 19.7.07 seeking information from the Public Information Officer, Office of Sub-Collector, Kuchinda Sub-Division in Sambalpur district. Without getting any information, he made 1st Appeal to the 1st Appellate Authority, but the latter refused to receive it. Then he sent it by registered post, which was returned back. Then he made second appeal to Orissa Information Commission on 26.6.08. The hearing of the case was held by Mr. Jagadanand on 18.1.2010 at the Collectorate Conference Hall, Sambalpur. Mr. R.C. Behera and Mr. Nepal Munda, APIO were present. During the hearing, Sri Panigrahi showed a discrepancy in the proceedings of the 1st hearing which took place on 11.11.09 and a news clipping containing information about Mr. Ramesh Ch. Behera attending as presiding officer in the meeting of GP for no-confidence motion against Sarapanch. It means the statement made by the Commission in the last hearing that “the Sub-Collector has sought leave for attending as presiding officer in GP meeting was false and fabricated”. He also got astonished after having gone through the proceedings of 1st hearing that the Sub-collector and PIO had sought leave for involvement in drought like situation, which was again false as it contradicts the statement of the Commission. He also felt dismayed as to how the Commission itself believes without any scrutiny false information submitted during the hearing and puts them in the proceedings. He demanded action to be taken against Sub-Collector, who provided false information about his absence during the hearing. Mr. Jagadanand suddenly got angry and threatened to arrest him by calling the Superintendent of Police. He again felt greatly troubled to notice the threatening attitude of Mr. Jagadanand. Sri Panigrahi had made complaint to the Governor, Orissa demanding dismissal of Mr. Jagadanand from the office of OIC. |
1st week of August’10 | (7) Rabindra Nath Nayak, Gop, Puri district M- 92370-33351 | A case of physical assault by officials and dealers | Mr. Rabindra Nath Nayak is an RTI Activist of Puri district. He had got Soochanashree Award in 2008 for his best performance on RTI in the state. He has submitted an RTI Application to the PIO, office of the Gop Block seeking some information about distribution of food-grains under PDS in the month of July’2010. As corruption in distribution of PDS was quite visible in his area, his RTI Application was basically directed to expose corruption and mal-practice in PDS. Having seen the content of RTI Application, the corrupt officials and the dealers got enraged and decided to attach him. In the first week of August’2010, Mr. Gyanendra Mohanty, local dealer misbehaved and physically assaulted using abusive words to Sri Rabindra Nayak in his village. Mr. Nayak filed an FIR in local police station. The police did not take any steps against the culprits. |
December, 2010 | (8) Sri Pradip Pradhan, Bhubaneswar and Sri Chitta Behera, CuttackM- 9437577546 | A case of defamation filed by Odisha Information Commission against RTI Activists | Sri D.N. Padhi, then Chief Information Commissioner and Sri Jagadanand Mohanty, then State Information Commissioner had lodged a defamation/ damage suit valued Rs.1 lakh in the Court of Civil Judge (Senior Division) Bhubaneswar against two RTI activists of the State Sri Pradip Pradhan and Chitta Behera (CS Suit No. 1723 of 2010-M and Misc Case No. 764 of 2010 both dated 4.10.2010. Pursuant to the said case, the Court had issued a temporary injunction to the above parties for restraining them from publishing any defamatory/derogatory remarks in any media against the Commission or State Chief Commissioner until the appearance or filing of the show cause before the Court. The Case is going on. |
2007-2011 | (9) Nilamani Joshi , Bolangir( struggling Career)M- 9937608082 | A case of physical assault, humiliation and attempt to murder | Mr. Nilamani Joshi is resident of Bolangir, poverty stricken district of Orissa who submitted RTI Application to Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies and Orissa Civil Supply Corporation seeking information about paddy procurement and role of Revenue Inspector in distribution of Farmers’ identity card in 2008. It needs to be mentioned here that there was allegation of corruption, malpractice, and irregularities in paddy procurement by Govt. officials in Bolangir in 2007. Finding no information, he filed complaint case (CC No- 965/09, CC No.-1629/08, CC. No—1757/08) to State Information Commission in 2008. The hearing of the case started in 2009 and still continuing in the office of the Commission. Within three years of his fighting of the case, he has been physically assaulted, threatened of murder and offered one lakh bribe to withdraw the case by the officials and hooligans. He is still fighting the case. |
Feb’ 2011 | ( 10) Jyoti Ranjan Das, Pandab Mohanta , Mahendra Nath Behera, Ghanashyam Nayak of Mayurbhanj district.M- 9776351311 | A case of harassment by the police | These activists had visited to the office of Thakurmunda Police station under Mayurbhanj district to get information under RTI Act. On 14th Feb’2011. When they reached in the office and enquired to know the information, Mr. Bhagaban Jena, Inspector-in-Charge physically abused and continued to hackle them for three hours. Mr. Jena tortured them psychologically and asked them to leave the place. They left the police station without getting information being greatly shocked. They filed complaint to Director General of Police, Orissa, SP, Mayurbhanj, Orissa Information Commission, State Human Rights Commission, and National Human Rights Commission. But no action was taken against him. |
January, 2011 | (11) Mr. Salman Reddy, at/Post-Convent School Road, Dist-Rayagada | A case of brutal attack by vested groups and contractors | He had submitted RTI Application to the Public Information Officer , Office of Soil Conservation Officer , Rayagad seeking some information about details of watershed project like total allocation of fund, details of expenditure, particulars of activities taken up etc. undertaken in Baisingh Gram Panchayat under Rayagada Block on 12.1.2011. After few days on 17.1.2011, few miscreants came to his house and dragged him to Mr. Ramesh Chandra Panda, PIO of Soil Conservation office and physically assaulted, severely beaten up and abused him using slang language. The PIO asked Salman to withdraw the RTI Application or face the dire consequence. Then they threatened him not to file case in the police station and kicked him out from the office. On reaching in the house, he found his body bleeding. Immediately, his wife took him to hospital for treatment. Having heard about physical attack by hooligans, the doctor asked them to file an FIR in the police station. Otherwise, he would not treat them. Then he along with his wife went to the Police station to file an FIR against the culprits. Mr. Rajendra Senapati, Inspector In-Charge, Rayagada Police station after going through the FIR behaved very rudely and said that ‘why you are using RTI. If you ask for information under RTI, it is obvious that he or she will be beaten up. Do not use RTI. You get out from here. I will not receive your application.” Being failed to get his FIR registered, he returned to home. Being advised by some people, he again went to the Police station to file FIR. The IIC received the FIR and took him to the hospital for treatment. On 18.1.2011, the Inspector-In-Charge made a telephone at 3 PM and asked me to come to the police station. I found 18 people who had beaten up me present there. The IIC forced me to withdraw the case and all of them also threatened me of dire consequence, if he fails to withdraw the case. Finding no way to fight it out, he was forced to compromise with these people and withdraws the case. |
2011 | (12) Mr. Braja Bihari Swain, a retired Govt. employee of Nayagarh District of Orissa | A false case filed by Forest Dept., Nayagarh | Mr. Braja Bihari Swain, a retired Govt. employee of Nayagarh District of Orissa is the president of 11Mouza Forest Protection Committee (an initiative by people of eleven villages for protecting the forest) for the year 2008 and 2009. While interacting with the people, he came to know about a massive corruption in CAMPA fund and utilization of Govt. Grants in Ranapur Forest Range. He submitted RTI Application to the PIO, office of Divisional Forest Officer, Khurda to know the details of CAMPA project and fund allocated and utilized for the same. Tracing out series of irregularities in CAMPA project after having gone through the information supplied by DFO office, he submitted a petition to PCCF- Aranya Bhawan, DG-Vigilance, Govt. of Orissa, Secretary, Department of Forest and Environment and Divisional Forest officer, Khurda for an enquiry and take legal action against the culprits. Being greatly disturbed and terrified by the complaint petition, the Range-Officer, Ranpur( Abhay Jena) and Forester, Sankhajodi Beat( Ramesh Chandra Jani) has registered a malicious and false case of illicit tree felling against him and threatened to murder making him as co-accused with 18 professional timber mafias in Nayagarh district. |
October, 2011 | (13) Mr. Braja Bihari Swain, Nayagarh district | Case of life threats by Govt. officials | Mr. Braja Bihari Swain, aged about 66year, a retired employee of Orissa Forest Development Corporation, in Nayagarh District of Orissa is the president of 11Mouza Forest Protection Committee (an initiative by people of eleven villages for protecting the forest) for the year 2008 and 2009. While interacting with the people, he came to know about a massive corruption in CAMPA fund and utilization of Govt. Grants in Ranapur Forest Range. He submitted RTI Application to the PIO, office of Divisional Forest Officer, Khurda to know the details of CAMPA project and fund allocated and utilized for the same. Tracing out series of irregularities in CAMPA project after having gone through the information supplied by DFO office, he submitted a petition to PCCF- Aranya Bhawan, DG-Vigilance, Govt. of Orissa, Secretary, Department of Forest and Environment and Divisonal Forest officer, Khurda for an enquiry and take legal action against the culprits. Being greatly disturbed and terrified by the complaint petition, the Range-Officer, Ranpur( Abhay Jena) and Forester, Sankhajodi Beat( Ramesh Chandra Jani) has registered a malicious and false case of illicit tree felling against him and threatened to murder making him as co-accused with 18 professional timber mafias in Nayagarh district. |
June, 2012 | (14) Jayaram Harpal At-Khaliapali, Post-Raksa, Via-Bausuni, Dist-Boudh | A case of brutal attack by vested groups and criminals | On 16.6.2012, he had submitted RTI Application to the PIO, office of Manupali Gram Panchayat, Manamunda Block of Boudh district, Odisha seeking some information about distribution of PDS item in his Panchayats. The PIO did not provide the information. On 20.8.2012, at Gudguda Chhak of the Panchayat, Sri Braja Mukunda Meher, ex-Sarapanch and his associates attacked Jayaram using abusive languages and threatened him to withdraw the RTI Application. On the next day, they went to his village and attacked his parents, ransacked his house. Jayaram filed the case against them in local police station, Manamunda. But the Police did not take a action against the miscreants rather arrested Jayaram and sent him to Jail. Jayaram released after one month and was forced to leave the village. He has filed the case in State Human Rights Commission, Odisha to get justice on 10.11.12. State Human Rights Commission called for a action take report from SP, Boudh. Nothing happened. |
2013 | (15) Sri Jayant Kumar Parida, Rajnagar Block of Kendrapara district | A case of brutal attack by miscreants in collusion with Officials | Sri Jayant Kumar Parida , RTI Applicant from Rajnagar Block of Kendra district had submitted 3 RTI Applications dated 23.5.12, 28.5.12, 13.8.12 to the Public Information Officer, office of Rajnagar Block, Kendrapara district seeking some information about details of dealers of Balisahipatna Gram Panchayat including the quality of PDS communities lifted and distributed month-wise, surplus quantity, number of beneficiaries under Antodaya Anna Yojana, Annapurna anna Yojana, Details of beneficiaries of old pension and widow pension etc. Finding no information, Sri Das, made an appeal to the First Appellate Authority to get the information. The FAA did not hear the case. Then Second Appeal was preferred to the Odisha Information Commission on 6.12.12. Hearing the case, the Commission issued direction to the PIO for allowing the applicant to inspect the files. On 8. 10.13, when he reached I Blok office, he faced organized attack by contractors and forced to leave the place. He could not get information. |
2013 | (16) Kailash Pradhan, diehard RTI User of Nandighar under Deogaon block of Nayagarh district | Case of physical attack by miscreants and Contractors resulted in chopping off of his hand | Kailash , a mechanic by profession was indulged to fight out corruption in various development projects going on in his area y using RTI Applications. He had filed several RTI Applications in the office of BDO, Deogaon, Executive Engineer , RD, Irrigation seeking photocopy of details of utilization of fund and bill and vouchures. The corrupt officials and contractors threatened him to withdraw RTI Application. But he kept continuity in pursuing RTI Applications in his endeavor to fight out corruption. One day, while he was on his way to home, a group of miscreants gheraoed him and chopped off his right hand with threats that he could never write RTI Application in future. Though he filed FIR in Deogaon police station, no culprit was arrested. All of them got bail. After 6 years when the trail started in the lower court, he was again threatened to withdraw the case. At last his family members withdrew the case. After a long treatment, his hand could not recover. It remained permanently disable. |
Feb.2014 | (17) Sri Sunil Mishra, Berhampur, Ganjam | A case of brutal attack and mercilessly beaten up by dreaded criminals in connivance with Govt. officials | Sri Sunil Mishra, resident of Indira Nagar, Berhampur had submitted RTI Applicatio to the office of District Industries Centre to expose huge irregularities and corruption in that office. On 19.2.2014, Sri Mishra, was mercilessly beaten up at 1.30 PM in the office of District Industries Centre, Berhampur of Ganjam district by anti-socials in collusion with officials. He lost his sense on the spot and few people carried him to M.K.C.G Hospital. He underwent treatment in hospital for 3 days and got discharged on 23.2.14. As he is a patient of heart problem, his family took him to Bangalore for proper treatment. He has not been able to talk till yet. He filed an FIR in local police station, Baidyanath Pur police station on 21.2.14. The police did not take any steps. Sri Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist of Odisha personally met Mr. Sanjib Marik, then Special DG of police to take action against the culprits. Nothing happened. Sri Pradhan filed a complaint case on 24.2.14 in the office of Odisha Human Rights Commission. Nothing happened. |
March, 2014 | (18) Sri Mangal Roy, RTI Activist, Deogaon Block of Bolangir district | A case of brutal attack by the officials and contractors | On 1.3.14, Mangal Ray, a Dalit RTI Activist working in Bolangir district had visited Deogaon Block to submit RTI Application seeking information about details of road construction work undertaken from Jarasingha RD road to Udar RD road under NREGA in 2012-13, estimate copy, details of expenditure including copy of bill and vouchures etc. When he was filing RTI application to the PIO, the Junior Engineer of the Block along with some hooligans and contractors entered into the office and asked him purpose of his visit. Then they started beating him mercilessly with blow and fist and forced him to withdraw the application. The officials present in the office neither protested nor came to his rescue. The hooligans also used slang language taking name of his caste and threatened him to leave the office. His RTI Application was tore up into pieces. Sri Mangal left the office. He was so frightened that he could not file FIR. His case was filed in Odisha Human Rights Commission. But nothing has happened. |
December, 2014 | (19) Sri Ganesh Chadra Panda , Berhampur, Ganjam | A case of murder by Contractors in connivance with Officials | This is the first case of murder of RTI Activist in Odisha. Sri Ganesh handra Panda had filed series of RTI Applications ( for example, road work from Thakurani Road to Bedha Bandh village) before the office of Rangeilunda Block to access information about road construction works undertaken under NREGA and Phylin, Flood Damage Restoration Projects of the Govt. As reported from various sources, huge funds allocated under FDR are being misappropriated by the Contractors in connivance and complicity with the Block officials. He was using RTI to expose the corruption and ensure effective implementation of the above programmes. On 28.12.14, he was murdered by unidentified criminals, when he was on morning walk. The police arrested few people in this case. |
31.1.15 | (20) Sri Krupasindhu Sahu, Niali Block of Cuttack district | A case of kidnap and murder by Supari Killer backed politicians of ruling party. | Sri Krupasidhu Sahu had filed several RTI Applications to the PIO, office of Deputy Director, Agriculture, and Cuttack seeking information about details of utilization of BGREI undertaken in Niali block. His RTI query exposed the irregularities and misappropriation of fund by the political powerful people. His expose enraged the people involved in the scam and created enmity with them. They engaged a supari killer who kidnapped and murdered him on 26.1.15 |
Feb.2014 | (21) Rama Chandra Mallik, RTI-User of Kotasahi Gram Panchayat under Tangi-Choudwar Block of Cuttack district | A case of threats to murder by Contractors and influential political people | Rama Chandra Mallik, RTI-User of Kotasahi Gram Panchayat under Tangi-Choudwar Block of Cuttack district had submitted RTI to the PIO, office of Tangi Blok seeking information about utilization of fund under Mo Kudia Yojana and NREGA. Appending trouble due to disclosure of information under RTI, a few hooligans of political party entered his house, rebuked him with slang language and threatened him to murder, if he pursues RTI Application. They also offered bribe of Rs. 5,000.00 to him to withdraw RTI Application. He was threatened of murder by political touts and contractors and forced to withdraw RTI Application. A complaint case was filed in NHRC, New Delhi ( Case No.- 265/18/3/3014) . NHRC issued direction to DG, Police to enquire into the matter on 7.3.14. The DG, police produced the report on 11.5.2014. The outcome of the case is not informed y the victim. |
10.10.2014 | (22) Shaktipada Biswas, Kalimela, Dist-Malkangiri | Case of threats by a stranger | Sri Shaktipada Biswas, Kalimela of Malkangiri district had submitted RTI application to the PIO, office of DFO, Malkangiri seeking information about details of plantation programme undertaken and expenditure made for the same in Kalimela area. It was reported that there was huge corruption in plantation programme. After it, he got a threat by someone by mobile to withdraw the application. Then a complaint case was filed by Pradip Pradhan, RTI Activist to the SP, Malkangiri. Nothing happened to him. |
2015 | (23) Prasant Behera At –Routpada PO-Shukleswar PS- Chandbali Dist- Bhadrak, | Case of life threats and attack | He had filed RTI Application dt. 21.11.14 seeking information about detail expenditure for the construction of Anganwadi House of Bhattapada GP under Chandbali block and PDS. After receiving the RTI application , the affected villagers threatened him in front of his house by using filthy slang language. He ignored and filed appeal before First Appellate Authority on 24.12.2014. Apprehending the expose of corruption, the culprits threatened to kill him. One day, the villagers attacked and physically assaulted my younger brother till he lost sense. It is noted that they dragged his younger brother from 108 vehicle , thrown him out near our village and beaten him up severely at night (9pm). Though FIR was filed , the police did not take any steps. Then Second appeal was filed before information commission. During hearing of Second appeal petition in In May, 2017, the culprits threatened him to withdraw the RTI application ,which is related to the food items under Public distribution system (PDS), within 7days. When he refused, the culprits again attacked him. Then he filed second FIR at police station, police took 5days to register the FIR . ut astonishingly, two police officers named Dhanurjay Munda & Ravindra Khuntia threatened him to withdraw otherwise a counter FIR will be filed by opposite party and you would e arrested soon. The police forced him to file compromise petition at the behest of culprits. |
19.7.15 | (24) Pabitra Bhoi , Anlo GP, Niali Block of Cuttack District M- 9437049095 | Case of life threats by goons of Sarapanch | On 13.7.15, Pabitra Bhoi, a Dalit had filed RTI Application to the PIO, Office of Anlo Gram Panchayat seeking information about allotment of houses under Indira Awas Yojana to ascertain fact about allegation of irregularities in allotment. Photocopy of his RTI Application was distributed to the people who were allotted houses illegally. On 19.7.15, A group of people entered into his house and used abusive language and threatened him of dire consequences , unless he withdraws the RTI Application. On 20.7.15, he lodged FIR in Niali police station and complaint to SP, Cuttack for inquiry into the matter and action against the culprits. He had also approached Odisha Human Rights Commission for justice. |
2016 | (25) Suvam Sarathi, 10 year old of Kalandi Rout of Bhagabanpur, Post- Marshaghai of Kendrapara district M- 9861945561 | Case of physical attack and attempt to murder | Suvam Sarathi, 10 year old son of Kalandi Rout was brutally attacked severely injured on head by a group of miscreants in the midnight around 1 o’clock on 10.5.16, when he was asleep. The boy has sustained severe head injuries and is still struggling for survival in the SCB College and Hospital, Cuttack. His fault was that he was son of Kalandi Rout , a daily wage labourer who had filed RTI Application to expose the misappropriation of around Rs. 15 lakh in connection with repair of Udayabata Upper Primary School along with misutilization of Mid-Day-Meal fund by the Head Master of the School in league with Block Education Officer and District Education Officer. Though he filed FIR, the police tried to protect the culprits. However, massive Rally and Gherao was organised by Odisha Soochana Adhikar Abhijan In Kendrapara district demanding arrest of the culprits and ICU treatment to Sovam in S.C. B. College and Hospital. He got cured and culprits arrested. |
24.4.2017 | (26) Subas Mohapatra, Bhubaneswar M- 8249577466 | Case of threats of murder | On 25.4.2017, Subas Mohapatra filed a complaint in Khandagiri Police station alleging threats of murder received two strangers on the road to withdraw case filed against Achyut Samant of KIIT. Subas had filed a petition in National Green Tribunal, Kolkatta against Kalinga Institute of Social science , Patia acquiring 18 acres of forest land illegally after getting the information under RTI Act. Hearing the case No. oA92/2016-EZ, the NGT had directed to the state Govt. to immediately vacant the land and undertake fencing. Sri Subas Mohapatra had also filed another case in Odisha High Court against KIIT for violation of FCRA. ( WPC 6134/2017). Though the police registered the case but did not conduct any inquiry. |
3.5.2017 | (27) Pradip Pradhan RTI Activist | Petrol attack on Family member of Pradip Pradhan | 2-3 unknown persons were keeping watch on his movement and making round near his resident since last few weeks. On 3rd May 2017, two unknown boys attacked his sister near the Maitri Vihar Police Out Post by pouring a glass of petrol on her while she was returning back to home from her working place at 8 PM. After this petrol attack, his sister shouted so that the attacker started their motor bike and left the place instantly, else they could have burnt her alive by putting fire on her. It is clear that they were fully prepared to attack on Mr Pradhan. But , their plan failed as Pradhan had not returned home at that time. So, they attacked his sister to make him fear and warned him not to expose the scams in future. From this incident, it is obvious that there conspiracy to kill Pradip Pradhan. This is cowardice & condemnable activity of corrupt peoples.Mr Pradhan had lodged FIR at Chandrasekharpur Police Station to investigate the matter & immediate arrest of the attackers. He also demanded to give justice to his sister by taking stringent action against the culprits and all others those are mastermind of this petrol attack on his sister. An FIR is registered by police ( Case No.161 dt. 3.5.2017 ) under section 448,326, 506 of IPC accordingly. A case has been filed in National Human Rights Commission with case no. 2509/18/28/2017. A case has also been filed in Odisha Human Rights Commission which is still pending. |
8.5.2017 | (28) Bansidhar Nayak, Odagaon Block , Nayagarh district | Case of merciless attack by BJD goons | There is huge corruption and misappropriation of lakhs of rupees in implementation of NREGA work, Biju Pucca Yojana in Giridipali Gram Panchayat under Odagaon Block of Nayagarh district. RTI Activist Shri Bansidhar Nayak used RTI to expose the corruption. He unearthed how lakhs of rupees has been misappropriated by preparing false Bill and vouchers. BJD party workers, Sarapanch, and Block Chairman are involved in this corruption. Due to his ceaseless effort to fight out corruption, they have masterminded to organize an attack on Bansidhar Nayak. A group of 10 BJD workers mostly anti- socials attacked his house on 8.5.17 in night at 10pm. They pelted stones at his house and beaten up severely to Bansidhar Nayak and his elder brother Debaraj Nayak while they were on the way to hospital. They were hospitalized for 10 days in Nayagarh District Hospital. The Deogaon police registered the case and four culprits caught by police & sent to jail. But interestingly, the opposite party filed counter FIR against Bansidhar Nayak and put pressure on police to arrest him. |
10.5.17 | (29) Sankar Panigrahi, Bolangir M- 8456021014 | Case of police threats | On 10th May 2017, RTI Activist Shri Shankar Prasad Panigrahi from Balangiri district received a telephone call from 7682955014 , an unknown person and introduce himself as Police Officer working in SDPO , Balangir. That unknown police officer abused Shankar Panigrahi , threatened to rape his wife and murdered him in police encounter because he had written “Go Back Narayan Naik” in his facebook account and uploaded a video clippings of protests against the lower Suktel irrigation project in 2013 & assault on protestors by Narayan Naik, the then Balangir SDPO . Narayan Naik is again posted as the SDPO of Balangiri district who had beaten up more than 200 common peoples during protest against lower suktel project under the banner of Budi Anchala Sangram Parisad. Narayan Naik himself had beaten up journalist and social activist Shri Amitav Patra and Lenin Kumar those were leading the protest.Mr. Panigrahi had recorded the entire telephonic conversation and shared with other activists via whatsapp. On 13.5.17, Sankar had filed FIR in Bolangir police station seeking investigation into the matter. The Bolagir Sadar police station registered FIR no. 0155(IPC-506,507) dt.15.5.17 and the investigation by police is going on but the culprit has not been arrested till date. A case has been filed in National Human Rights Commission and Odisha Human Rights Commission also. |
12.5.2017 | (30) Keshab Mahakud , Nayagarh | Case of brutal attack | On 12th May 2017, physically challenged RTI Activist Shri Keshab Mahakud was physically assaulted and attacked by a group of miscreants near the Sani Mandir , Vanivihar which is stone throwing distance from Sahid Nagar Police Station. Some days before this incident he had asked some information under RTI which is related to CAMPA project in Nayagarh and the DFO , Nayagarh offered Rs30,000 to Mahakud but he refused it and insisted for the information sought by him. He had taken decision to sit in Dharana before the resident of Shri Bijayshree Routray, Hon’ble Minister, Forest & Environment and come to meet to submit the notice regarding this matter on 12th May 2017. The DFO , Nayagarh was present at resident of Shri Bijayshree Routray and became angry on Mahakud and abused him . Mr Mahakud left that place by auto rickshaw but DFO , Nayagarh followed him and stopped the auto rickshaw at Sani Mandir at 8pm. He and other three hooligans forced him to sign in blank paper by stating that he had received all information sought those are related to CAMPA projects in Nayagarh. Mahakud refused to sign , so they beaten him and threatened him that he would be killed & thrown to Mahanadi river if he would try to sit in Dharana or try to file complain against him for the information. Mr Mahakud shouted , so DFO and other three hooligans left that place by their bolero as many peoples gathered there. Mr Mahakud filed a complaint / FIR at 9PM in Sahid Nagar Police station but concern police officer did not take any action immediately on this matter and advised the victim to come to police station tomorrow. On 13th May 2017 an FIR was registered by Police , case no-0214 under section 341,323,506 & 34 of IPC 1860 but the culprits are not arrested till date. A case has been filed in National Human Rights Commission with case no. 2552/18/28/2017. Last year, Sri Mahakud was seriously beaten up by hooligans for seeking information under RTI and hospitalised for a month in S.C.B. Medical, Cuttack for his treatment. |
12.5.17 | (31) Debidatta Manas Ranjan Sethy, Kanas, Puri | Case of life threats | On 12.5.17, Sri Debidatta Manas Ranjan Sethy, RTI Activist had filed RTI application to the PIO, Office of Divisional Forest Officer, Puri seeking information about details of Salary received by Forester, Forest Guard, salary held up and salary sanctioned etc. After five days of submission of RTI Application, on 18.5.17. Sri Sethy received a call from Ramakant Dash, Forest official from his Mobile no. 9668776522 . Sri Dash threatened him of withdrawing RTI Application and chided him using slang language to murder him and throw his body into the sea, if he pursues the RTI Application. Wife of Ramakant Dash has also telephonically threatened to the wife of Sri Sethy. He got terribly disturbed and frightened. He contacted N.A.Shah Ansari, RTI Activist of Konark and appraised him about threatening call. It was decided to file FIR in Police station. On 19.5.17, a team of RTI Activists accompanied Sri Sethy and filed FIR in Matiapada Police station, Kumvarpada , Puri seeking inquiry into the incident and stern Action against Sri Dash and provide security to the family. On 24th May 2017, Sri Pradip Pradhan & Sri Srikant Pakalhas filed a case at Odisha Human Right Commission for justice and protection of life of Sri Debidatta Manas Ranjan Sethy and human rights. A case has been registered at NHRC also (case no -2684/18/12/2017). |
16.5.17 | (32) Raj kishor NayakRetired CRPF Jawan , Kaptipada block of Mayurbhanj districtM- 7008684248 | Case of mercilessly beaten up by hooligans | On 1st May 2017, Shri Raj Kishore Nayak had filed an RTI application to the PIO, office of the Gram Panchayat, Badakhaladi to access the information regarding allotment of houses under Biju Puca Yojana, list of beneficiaries and disbursement of funds under Biju Puca Yojana , Old Age Pension & Widow Pension Scheme. The newly elected Sarapanch , Smt. Rajashree Marandi and her contractor husband Ajaya Kumar Ghan became disturbed and revengeful after going through RTI application of Raj Kishore Nayak. Apprehending that it would expose their wrong-doings and tarnish their image. So, she had made a plan to save herself by threatening the RTI applicant through her contractor husband Ajaya Kumar Ghan. While leaving the office of the Badakhaladi Gram Panchayat after filing of the RTI application, husband of the sarapanch (Ajaya Kumar Ghan) abused the RTI applicant in presence of the Sarapanch , Smt. Rajashree Marandi and questioned who are you to ask information about the activities of Grampanchayat? He also threatened to Raj Kishor not to enter to the Gram Panchayat office in future and a false case implicating him under SC & ST ( Prevention of atrocity) Act will be booked against him, if he will not withdraw the RTI Application filed by him. Raj Kishor refused to withdraw the RTI application.On 4th May 2017, the RTI applicant (Mr Nayak) filed a complaint before SDOP, Udala regarding this threatening & requested to take necessary action for the protection of his life, dignity and fundamental rights. On 16th May 2017, while Raj Kishor was returning to his home, about 10 numbers of anti-socials and village youths engaged by Ajaya Kumar Ghan attacked Raj Kishore Nayak and beaten up black and white. He sustained severe injury and got medical treatment and filed FIR in Kaptipada police station. The police received the FIR but refused to give copy of FIR. Raj kishor filed complaint to SDPO, Udala and SP, Mayurbhanj. On 24th May 2017, Raj Kishore Nayak filed a case at Odisha Human Right Commission for justice and protection of his life and human rights. A case has been registered at NHRC (Case No-2683/18/9/2017). |
27.5.17 | (33) Babi Jena, Hantuka, Puri M- 6370162729 | Case of Merciless attack by hooligans | On dt.27.05.2017 , RTI Activist Babi Jena of Hantuka GP under Puri Sadar Block of puri district was severely beaten up and his head profusely bleeding by BJD workers due to his attempt to expose corruption through RTI in Hantuka Primary Cooperative Society. In the month of April 2017, he had filed RTI application in the office of Hantuka Primary Cooperative Society under Puri Sadar Block seeking information about total fund sanctioned for compensation to be paid to phailin-affected farmers and name of farmers and amount paid to them. It is to be noted here that huge fund has been misappropriated by President and Secretary of Society belonging to BJD, false documents has been prepared in the name of farmers. Apprehending expose of corruption, President and Secretary had earlier threatened him to murder unless he withdraws RTI Application. On 27.5.17, two hooligans engaged by them attacked him and his friend with weapons in a shop. Babi’s head got severely damaged. His friends rescued him and ensure his treatment in Medical. On 29.5.17, he went to Chandan Pur Police station to file FIR. But the police misbehaved him using very slang language. As alleged by Babi, the police is acting as agent of BJD party. Despite several persuasion, the police did not register Case . Rather police asked the accused to file counter FIR and forced the victims to sign the compromise petition. A case has been registered at Odisha Human Right Commission for justice and protection of his life and human rights. |
January , 2018 | (34) Bhakti Charan Palai, Krustanprasad, PuriM- 9040920608 | Case of harassment and putting behind bar implicating in false case | He had filed multiple RTI Application in the office of BDO, Brahmagiri and office of Inspector-in-Charge, Krustanprasad police station seeking information about various issues. To check his RTI Activism, the police and Block administration joined hand and hatched a conspiracy to arrest him . Accordingly, Golak Bihari Rout, Sub-inspector of Krustanprasad police station filed an FIR on 24.1.18 against Bhakti accusing him of his involvement in an event of police station gherao. On 10.4.18, while he had been to SP office, Puri to attend first appeal hearing against the IIC, Krustanparasad, the Inspector-in-Charge himself reached in the office and arrested Bhakti and forwarded him to jail. He spent 22 days in jail and released in bail. On 11.5.18, he filed complaint in Odisha Human Rights Commission for justice which is pending. |
2019 | (35) Parsuram PradhanSocial Activist and Ex- Sarapanch Naktideul of Sambalpur block Contact Manoj Panda- M-8018613850 | Case of Murder by hooligans | Parsuram Pradhan had filed RTI Application to the Salebhata Cooperative Society seeking information about huge irregularities in paddy procurement, loan disbursement etc. Earlier on his complaint, Secretary of Salebhata Cooperative Society was arrested by Vigilance Department and jailed. Apprehending expose of more corruption, the people involved in Cooperative scam murdered Parsuram Pradhan. The Police arrested four persons in connection with this murder. |
10th December, 2019 | (36) Abhimanyu Panda , Baliguda of Kondhamal district Son of Abhimanyu PandaM- 6370515558 | Case of Murder by Supari Killer engaged by coterie of politicians- bureaucrats- contractors – Mafias | Ahimanyu Panda, eminent RTI Activist of Kondhamal district was murdered by two unidentified goons at his residence in the early morning at 7 AM on 10th December, 19. He had filed RTI Applications submitted to different authorities and complaints filed ( a) to District Superintendent of Excise, Phulbani against proposal for opening of off Liquor shop in Ward No. 1 ( Khata No. 106/157, Plot No. 825/1112) resulted in closing down of liquor shop in Baliguda, ( b) Rs. 70 lakh scam in hostel construction work in Sarangagada college ( allegation against Ashok Panda, Contractor), ( c) complaint filed to Executive Engineer, R& B, Phulbani on huge irregularities in road construction work undertaken by R.K.D. Construction Company , (d) Action taken by the Endowment Commission on his complaint against members of old Management Committee of Jagannath Temple, Baliguda, subsequent eviction of hew shop owners from shops who had illegally occupied shops for years together, ( e) filling of more than 50 RTI Applications to expose PDS Scam. His RTI expose has created enmity with powerful people who had conspired to murder him through Supari Killer. The Police has arrested 5 people including Supari Killer but not yet conspirators behind the attack. |
31st January, 2020 | (37) Ranjan kumar Das, Patkura Police Station, Kendrapara district Balaram Das, brother-in-law of deceased Ranjan Das M-9938748025 | Case of planned Murder by Miscreants | Ranjan Kumar Das, a renowned RTI Activist was found cold-bloodedly murdered by vested interest groups in Kendrapara district in the night of 31st January 2020. This is a planned murder by vested groups who conspired to murder him apprehending that their corruption would be exposed by Ranjan who had filed several RTI Applications to various offices. He had carried out a number of RTI sensitive programme to educate the people about RTI Act. He had personally filed several RTI Applications to different offices and exposed corruption in construction of RD Road, illegal construction of play ground in his village, illegal construction of OTDC Building inside Bhirakanika Sanctuary under Mahakalapada block, illegal prawn cultivation by private companies, corruption in illegal allotment of houses under IAY/ PMAY, Biju Pucca Yojana, Irregularities in Anganwadi Centres. He had filed several complaints to State Vigilance, Cuttack and Lokayukta, Odisha. Though the police registered FIR, But remained silence without making any inquiry into his murder. It is alleged that the police is trying to suppress the inquiry. |
January, 2020 | (38) Srikant Pakal, Choudwar of Cuttack district .M- 9338455092 | Case of life threats by hooligans engaged by top bureaucrats. | Sri Srikant Pakal , an RTI Activist had filed a complaint alleging corruption and misappropriation of funds by Sri Bishnupada Sethy , IAS, the then MIC, Odisha State Cooperative Bank and presently working as Secretary, Dept. of Energy, Govt. of Odisha. The Lokayukta has taken cognizance of the complaint case registering it as LY No. 110/19 and issued notice to Sri Bishnupada Sethy. While Sri Sethy has filed time petition for submission of his reply on one hand, he has engaged middleman to influence Srikant to withdraw the case under the threats of attack . On 20.1.20, Sri Srikant Pakal had filed a complaint to Deputy Commissioner of Police, Cuttack seeking an inquiry into life-killing threats by miscreants engaged by Bishnupada Sethy . On 10.2.2020, Sri Pakal had submitted a petition to the Director General of Police, Odisha seeking an inquiry into such threats . Though one month has passed on, the DCP, Cuttack has not conducted any inquiry into it. Srikant had approached Lokayukta to conduct an inquiry into the matter . The Chairman of Lokayukta had issued notice to the Principal secretary, Dept. of Home and Director General of police to reply by 30th March, 2020. |
January, 2020 | (39) Simanchal Jena , Talasara village under Beguniapada block of Ganjam district , M- 9777306007 | Case of life threats by miscreants | Sri Simanchal Jena, RTI Activist of Talasara village under Beguniapada Block of Ganjam district had filed a number of complaint cases in respect of corruption in implementation of development programmes, after obtaining information under RTI Act. After a notice was issued by Lokayukta, Odisha, the vested interest groups and contractors have conspired to kill him. On 25.11.19., a miscreant named Tulu Bhuyan tried to run a tractor over his body. However he narrowly escaped. On 26.11.19, he was also abused with slang language by the contractors in the village. Though he filed an FIR, the police have not conducted any inquiry nor taken any action against the culprits, and are rather trying to cover up the whole episode. Simanchal had approached Lokayukta seeking direction to the police to conduct an inquiry into the matter. Case is pending in Lokayukta , Odisha |
20th January, 2020 | (40) Chakradhar Sahu and his wife Kalyani Sahu, Ward Member of Bangiriposhi Block under Mayurbahnj district M- 9937893527 | Case of Physical attack, hackling and humiliation by Contractors engaged by Sarapanch and Panchayat Executive Officer of Nafri Gram Panchayat | Apprehending huge corruption and irregularities in development work, Chakradhar Sahu and his wife Kalyani Sahu, Naib Sarapanch had filed few RTI Applications to the Gram Panchayat seeking information about copy of Panchayat resolution, details of expenses for repair of primary schools etc. On 20.1.20, while oth of them had gone to Panchayat to attend the meeting of the GP, the contractors, anti-socials engaged by Sarapancah hackled them. Then on their return to their village, few contractors attacked them, manhandled Kalyani Sahu and threatened to withdraw RTI Applications. On the same day, Kalyani Sahu filed an FIR in Bangiriposhi police station. But the police registered the case on 27.1.20 ( Case No. 10/20) |
17.2.20 | ( 41) Amitav Chand , Mahakalapada Block of Kendrapara district M- 9040144332 | Life threats by Biren Basu, Assistant Executive Engineer, R& B, Kendrapara | Sri Amitav Chand had filed RTI in the office of Executive Engineer, R& B, Kendrapara seeking information about (a) construction of Chandiapali Bridge, (b) Daspada-Kharnasi Raod, ( c) Anguloi-Orta Raod under Mahakalapada block. On 17.2.20, Biren Basu, Assistant Executive Engineer threatened him to withdraw RTI Application, other he would face fate of Ranjan Das who was murdered 17 days back. Amitav got disturbed and shocked. On 18.2.20., he filed FIR in Jambu-Marine Police station against him seeking legal action. On 22.2.20, the police registered the case having case no. 17/20. But not yet taken any action. |
February , 2020 | (42) Jayakrustan Behera, Kamakhyanagar, Dist- Dhenkanal M- 9777502651 | Case of threats of implicating in false case by Tahasildar, Kamakhyanagar | Jayakristan Behera, age 59 is quite active in RTI activism since last 10 years. He has brought to limelight a number of corruption issued by using RTI Act like illegal appointment of lecturers in Kamakhya Nagar College, corruption and misappropriation of fund in construction of Biju Bus Stand, Lodging and khemaka market complex, illegal stone quarry, bribe in mutation case of land, loot of fund of Pani panchayat etc. On 13th Feb.20, while he had been to Kamakhyanagar Tahasil to ask for status of his RTI query, Sanjay Rout, Tahasildar threatened him to face dire consequence, unless he leaves RTI work. Sri Behera got astonished and disturbed having heard and filed an FIR against Tahasildar in local police station. |
12.3.20 | ( 43) Jitendra Swain , Astarang Block of Puri district M- 8144080348 | Case of threats due to expose of corruption by the Inspector-in-Charge of Astarang Police station , Puri district | Jitendra Swain had filed complaint in Lokayukta , Odisha seeking investigation into corruption worth 10 crores in planation programme and distribution of cow to the beneficiaries. ON 13.3.20., the case was heard in the Lokayukta and direction was issued for inquiry into it. Apprehending trouble, contractors, Sarapanch and Chairman of Astarang Block belonging to Biju Janata Dal, Ruling party in Odisha used police to restrain Jitendra from attending the hearing of Lokayukta. On 12.3.20, Dillip Swain, Inspector-in-Charge called him to the police station, abused in slang language and threatened him to withdraw the case at the instance of BJD leaders. |
March , 2020 | (44) Kedaranath Sahu of Boudh district M- 9937454121 | FIR alleging defamation filed by BDO, Kantapada block | He along with the villagers had filed RTI as well as complaint in the office of Collector, Boudh alleging allotment of two houses to a single woman beneficiaries in two districts i.e., Boudh and Sonepur under Rural Housing Scheme. Kedranath Sahu had also written extensively in social media raising few question about functioning of BDO , Kantapada . Alleging loss of his credibility and social status , BLOCK Development Officer ( BDO) had filed an FIR in local police station seeking action against Kedar Sahu. |
April, 2020 | (45) Manoranjan Jena, Vill- Palliraghunath Pur, Nahanga Gram Panchayat, Derabisi block, PS-Nikirei, Dist-Kendrapara M- 9777472990 | Mercilessly beaten up by goons of Ruling party on 6.4.20 | After declaration of lockdown , in view outbreak of COVID 19 in Odisha, Sri Manoranjan Jena, RTI Activist was involved in mass sensitization programme being associated with administration for educating the people about negative impact of Corona virus on human life. He along with his friends were sensitizing the people about the packages declared by Chief Minister and their entitlements under various schemes. During his campaign, he came across adulteration of rice ( Mixing sand and stone with rice) by some people politically associated with Ruling party and supplying this adulterated rice for distribution to the people under PDS. He along with the villagers of Nahanga Gram Panchayat made a complaint to the district administration following which the Assistant Civil Supply Officer of Derabisi block had visited the Gram Panchayat on 6.4.20 at 5 pm for inquiry into our complaint. While inquiry was going at Ration shop of the dealer y the ASCO , a gang of anti-socials led by Sudhansu Jena gheraoed Manoranjan Jena and mercilessly beaten up using slang language in the presence of ASCO and other Govt. staff. He lost sense and his head was bleeding. The villagers immediately carried him to Indipur Health Centre. In the same day, at 8.30 PM, he filed an FIR in Nikerai police station. The police registered the FIR bearing Case No. 38/20. But the police neither conducted any inquiry nor took any steps to arrest the culprits. On 19.4.20., a complaint case has been filed in NHRC, New Delhi seeking an inquiry into it. It is pending. |
April , 2020 | (46) Sri Bhuban Chand Hati, RTI Activist, GP-Biruda, PS-Nayagarh, Dist-Nayagarh, OdishaM- 9778142743 | Mercilessly beaten up by goons of local sarapanch in his house. | On 7.4.20, while Sri Bhuban Chand Hati, RTI Activist was sitting on his verandah, a group of anti-socials instigated by Sarapanch of Biruda GP of Nayagarh block assaulted him using slang language, beaten up mercilessly and took away his mobile threatening him of dire consequence, unless he refrains himself from making any complaints of corruption and filling RTI against Sarapanch. Bhuban was admitted in hospital and underwent treatment. He filed FIR in Itamati Police station on same day. But the police did not register FIR for three days. After a long persuasion by RTI Activists, the Inspector-in-Charge, Itamati police station finally registered the FIR and handed over the copy on 11.4.20. But the police did not conduct any inquiry and rather provided protection to all criminals. As the criminals are scot free in the Gram Panchayat, they are threatening more to Bhuban and terrorizing his family. He has also received threats call from these criminals. A complaint case dt. 20.4.20 has been filed in NHRC, New Delhi seeking an inquiry into the matter. |
14.7.15 | (47) Pabitra Bhoi, Dalit RTI ActivistNiali Block of Cuttack District | RTI Activist was threatened to withdraw RTI Application or face dire consequence by hooligans backed by corrupt officials in Niali Block of Cuttack district, Odisha | Pabitra Bhoi, RTI Activist of Niali Block has been threatened of dire consequence by the politically influential people and hooligans and asked to withdraw his RTI Application. Sri Pabitra Bhoi, a Dalit boy had submitted RTI Application dated 14.7.15 to the PIO, office of Anlo Gram Panchayat of Niali Block of uttack district seeking information about details of houses sanctioned to different people under Indira Awas Yojana, Mo Kudia Yojana. It is needless to mention here that there is huge corruption and irregularities noticed in allotment of houses under these schemes in each Gram Panchayat of Niali Block. The political people of Ruling party having pucca building have taken money for houses under these schemes by using their political influence. It is big scam in Niali Block. Sri Umesh Ch. Behera, PIO of Anlo Panchayat informed about RTI Application and RTI Applicant immediately to the people who have taken IAY house illegally. On 19.7.15, a group of people Sri Bishwanath Behera, Jairam Behera and many others reached his house at 6 PM evening and chided him referring his caste “Kandara” and using slang language. On return from his house, they threatened him to withdraw RTI Application otherwise prepared to face consequence. These people are known dreaded criminals in that area. Now, Pabitra has filed complaint to Niali Police Station and SP, Cuttack on 20.7.15 to take action against these people and provide him protection. As reported by Pabitra, SP, Cuttack took it very casually and advised him to meet Collector. However, Pabitra argued with him that this is the responsibility of the SP to enquire into the matter not the Collector and returned from SP office. Pabitra apprehended that at any time he may face attack from these people, as he is determined not to withdraw RTI Application. Pabitra may be contacted in his mobile 8598087311. |
7th July, 2019 | ( 48) Sasee Bhoosan Behera, Sishu Bhawan Lane, Mining Road, Keonjhar Dist M- 9853970850 | Harassment to a RTI Activist by the NGOs by utilizing Police for revealing huge corruption made by them in implementation of WADI Project in Keonjhar Dist. assisted by NABARD. | Sasee Bhusan Behera, RTI Activist was arrested by Keonjhar Town Police on 7th July-2019 on the basis of a false FIR lodged by Secretary, WOSCA (NGO), Keonjhar on the allegation of demanding money from her. As huge misappropriation of Govt. money by WOSCA, S.G. Foundation & Shiristi (NGOs) had been revealed by Sashee Bhoosan Behera through RTI Act-2005 which was funded by NABARD to those NGOs for plantation of fruit bearing trees for benefit of advasi & tribal people of this dist. against which he had submitted petitions to the higher authorities of NABARD & other concerned Dept.s to take action against those NGOs & officials of NABARD involved in such irregularities. As such apprehending action against them, Secretary, WOSCA along with other officials of the above NGOs & NABARD tried their level best to put him into trouble & to take revenge upon him. Secretary, WOSCA contacted him & came to his house with Bapi Bhatachharya, Secretary, S.G. Foundation offered some money to suppress it. When he did not agree with their proposal then they made a plan alliance with local Police to harass him. Then, secretary, WOSCA filed a fake & false FIR against him where she alleged that he had demanded 2 lakhs from her to suppress the misdeed made by them in implementing WADI project funded by NABARD where misappropriation of cores of rupees by them has been proved . Then, Bapi Bhatachharya, Secretary, S.G. Foundation & other workers of those organizations along with another contractor against whom he had filed complaints to the Vigilance Dept. to enquiry & take action for his illegal procurement of different minor minerals earlier became the witnesses of it & police intentionally framed a case against Sashee Bhoosan being gained over by them & arrested him U/s 384, 385 & 387 of IPC. He got released on bail on 09.08.2019 i.e. after 33 days. |
9th May, 2018 | (49) Pradeep Sahu, Angul M-9937439848 | A case of being mercilessly beaten up, arrested and put behind bar in Angul district,Odisha | Pradeep Kumar Sahu, Recipient of best volunteer award from Chief Minister, National Youth Awardee and renowned RTI Activist was manhandled , then beaten up mercilessly by the forest officials of DFO Office, Angul on his visit to the said office to file RTI Application on 9.5.18. Later he was arrested by the police on FIR lodged by officials in connivance with police, but his first FIR was ignored by the Inspector-in-Charge, Angul police station. On 11.6.18, Sri Pradeep Sahu has filed two petitions to Odisha Human Rights Commission and Odisha Information Commission seeking justice. Details of incident leading to attack and arrest of RTI Activist · On 9.5.18, Pradeep along with his Activist-friend Jitendra Samal had gone to the office of Divisional Forest Officer, Angul to submit RTI Application and met Basudev Nayak, ACF and discussed with him about purpose of their visit. Time was around 9.15 AM. During discussion with ACF, they asked for information of other RTI Applications submitted earlier. It is to be mentioned here that since huge corruption, irregularities and misappropriation of crores of rupees sanctioned for plantation and forest development project is going on , Pradeep and local people are using RTI to expose it and they have also filed a number of complaints to Director, Vigilance, PCCF, Odisha for inquiry. However, having seen another RTI Application on another corruption issue, Sri Nayak, ACF got irritated and started rebuking them using slang language ( Haireshala tume kuade asichha ………………). Then he immediately shouted and called his staff to teach them lession. Immediately few staff of DFO office reached in the spot , gheraoed and started beating them black and white. They kicked like anything and strangulated them. Though they tried to retaliate them, they could not succeed. It continued for two hours. At last the police reached and rescued them. · After reaching in police station, they filed FIR in Angul Police station. The Inspector-in-Charge received their complaint but did not register the case. But they were held up by the police in Police station. · Just after few minutes of our FIR being filed, Sri Basudev Nayak along with few staff reached in the police station and filed counter FIR against Pradeep leveling unnecessary false charges against them. He alleged that they put fist blow to his neck and Jitendra held his hands and threatened to murder him. Astonishingly, the IIC, Angul immediately registered their FIR and within hours produced them before the court of SDJM, Angul who refused to grant bail and forwarded them to jail. They got released on bail after 20 days of custody. · Pradeep is social Activist. Since last few years, he along with his friends have been using RTI to expose corruption and give justice to the poor people in Angul district. He has been awarded Prakruti Mitra award by district administration for his outstanding work in the field of protection of forest, While working with forest protecting groups, he has come across huge corruption and irregularities in forest development project and plantation. To fight out corruption, he has been using RTI in different offices including DFO office. · Being disturbed over his repeated expose about corruption and subsequent filling of plethora of complaints demanding inquiry, the staff of DFO office and more particularly ACF have got vindictive and conspired to attack him several times. 9.5.18 was an faithful day for him to execute his conspiracy and to take revenge against Pradeep and his friend Jitendra. · Pradeep has filed complaint to OHRC and Odisha Information Commission seeking inquiry and quick action against the culprits. |
25.5.18 | (50) Suresh Lenka of Kushur Gram Panchayat of Balikuda block | RTI Activist was brutally attacked in mid-night by a gang of BJD goons | As an RTI Activist, Suresh has passion to file RTI to different offices to fight out corruption in Govt. works. While obtaining information from Kushur Gram Panchayat, He came to know that around Rs. 1 lakh has been misappropriated by Sarapanch and Panchayat Executive officer without any sanction of the project under MGNREGA. Similarly, he also noticed huge irregularities in distribution of houses under Biju Pucca Yojana and IAY. He also exposed how lakhs of rupees has been misappropriated in the name of IAY house without building and beneficiary. Armed with the information, he along with fellow-villagers filed complaint to BDO, Balikuda block and also Block Grievance Cell for investigation into the matter. After repeated allegations, District Panchayat Officer was entrusted to conduct inquiry about it. On 25.5.18., having heard about order of inquiry, the vested groups mainly local touts of Biju Janata Dal Bhagu Biswal, Satyanand Behera, Kishor Hati, Rabi swain and others forcibly entered into house of Suresh Lenka at 10 PM night, beaten him up black and white and threatened him not to pursue the matter and refrain from using RTI. On the next day, Suresh lenka filed FIR in local police station , Balikuda. The police without registering the case tried to pressurise Suresh for compromise under political influence. As Suresh and his friends remained stubborn and demanded for registration of FIR, the police on 28.5.18 has registered the case but yet to start investigation. As the local police stations have been highly politicised and functioning at behest of BJD leaders, Suresh has doubt to get any justice from the police. |
19.5.20 | (51) Sarbeswar Behura, RTI Activist, Dharmashala block of Jajpur district | A case of False Case being implicated against RTI Activist | n view of large scale-corruption and irregularities in distribution of food grains to the beneficiaries, denial of ration to some families and collection of higher price per litre of kerosene from the Ration Card holders in Dharmashala Block, Sarbeswar Behura took up this issue and made a thorough survey to identify the beneficiaries who have been denied ration under NFSA. On 6.4.20., he filed a PIL case No. WPC 11667/20 in Odisha High Court drawing attention of the court about denial of ration to eligible households, rampant Fake Ration Card in Dharmashala block, loot of rice by Dealers and Govt. officials and prayed for seeking direction for the inquiry into it and supply of ration to all bonafide ration card holders under PDS. Acting on the Writ petition, the hon’ble High Court issued notice to State Govt. , Collector, Jajpur and DO, Dharmashala to make their respective submissions . Being aggrieved by this case , the dealers backed by BJD leaders hatched conspiracy and filed a false FIR dt. 19.5.20 in Dharmashala Police station in order to harass Sarbeswar. On 26.5.20, sarbeswar Behura along with a team of Social Activists submitted a memorandum to BDO, Dharmashala seeking an inquiry into higher price demanded by Dealers per litre of kerosene and non-distribution of Dal. (M- 9437459949). |
1.6.20 | (52) Sanjay Sahu, Banki, Cuttack district | A case of life threats and attack on RTI Activist | On 1.6.20, Sanjay Sahu, RTI Activist along with few Labourers was holding protest Dharana in front of lock office, Banki in protest against rampant use of machine in NREGA work which deprives hundreds of people from getting employment in the village during COVID Lockdown. They organized this protest in unique way by beating Thali and enchanting slogans before Block office by demanding for restriction of rampant use of machine in NREGA work, putting display board at worksite, providing immediate work to the laourers and maintaining transparency in implementation of NREGS work etc. They submitted a memorandum to BDO, Banki and requested him to ensure employment to the poor laourers, withdraw machines from worksite and take action against the officers involved in misappropriation of fund y making forged Muster Roll. Day after, around 20 hooligans and anti-socials of BJD party forcibly entered into sanjay’s house , abused him with slang language and threatened him of dire consequence , if he continues to oppose corruption in NREGA work. They also thrashed him and created ruckus in front of his home for few hours to terrorise the family. On 3.6.20. Sanjay Sahu filed an FIR in Baideswar police station under Banki block demanding inquiry and quick action against the people involved in attacking him. But the police is yet to take any action against them. M- 9337343390 |
6th May 20 | (53) Dusmant Acharya , Raj Kanika Block of Kendrapara district | Dusmant Acharya is a young RTI Activist and running a web channel “ Janata Zindabad”. He regularly covered news about corruption, irregularities in implementation of development programme at village level and fought to ensure entitlement of the poor under food security and social security programme. On 3.5.20., during COVID Lockdown, the villagers of Deulatara Gram Panchayat had come to block office of Rajkanika to file complaint about huge irregularities in COVID assistance like distribution of rice and kerosene by dealer Purusottam Das, excess price Rs. 30.00 demanded by dealer against Got. fixed price Rs.15.00, less quantity of rice given to beneficiaries against their fixed entitlements etc. Dusmant carried this news and also visited to their village to collect information from the villagers about PDS irregularities. This news was put in his web media “ Janata Zindabad” which exposed details of PDS loot engineered by local dealer Purusottam Das. On 6.5.20., when Dusmant was on his way to return to his village at 8 am, the Dealer and his hired goons stopped him at Namatara , hackled him, took away his camera and eaten up mercilessly. They kidnapped him to their village and locked him. However , after complaint filed by the villagers, the police rescued him. He filed FIR in Rajkanika Police station at 1.30 pm on same day. Though one month passed, the police has not taken any action on his FIR ( Registration No. 96 /6.5.2020). M- 9439083515 | |
(54) Sapan Swain, RTI Activist, Gop, Puri district | A case of Merciless Attack on RTI Activist | Sapan Swain , RTI Activist of Gop block of Puri district uses to file RTI Applications to different offices to expose corruption and irregularities in Govt. programme. He had filed RTI Application to the PIO, office of BDO, Gop block about distribution of PDS in Gadabhingura GP and also filed complaint in the block office about huge irregularities in distribution of rice and kerosene. On 13.5.20, Sapan had gone to Gram Panchayat office to appear before inquiry conducted by Marketing Inspector about his complaint. On his return from Gram Panchayat office, Ranjit Nayak, husband of Sarapanch and his associates halted Sapan and abused him with slang language. Then they started beating him with lathi and threatened him to withdraw complaint filed against them. Having heard this incident, the family members reached on the spot and rescued him. The family members found his head bleeding and his leg broken . He was immediately carried to Balisahi PS and then Puri Sadar Hospital for treatment. On 14.5.20 at 9.30 pm , Khokan Swain , his brother filed an FIR in Puri Sadar Police station for inquiry and legal action against the accused. Though 20 days passed, the police has not taken any steps except registering the case ( FIR No. 123/20). M- 7978384277. |
Pradip Pradhan
RTI Activist,
State Convener, Odisha Soochana Adhikar Ahijan
M- 99378-43482
Updated- 23.9.20